My Sweet, Precious Child

Author: Maria Aimen Javaid

Illustrator: Azra Momin

Publisher: Jaan Publishing House

Year: 2021

Topics: Dua


From infants to school aged children, this book is a gentle reminder of how special and loved they truly are.

Brief Synopsis: 

It’s a letter from a mother to her child filled with duas and love.

Why I like it: 

  • The two ayats in the beginning are a great reminder, and something I would want to leave with my kids too!
  • The illustrations are lovely with diverse characters. 
  • Moms are going to be crying over every line and dua. Kids not so much. (But if they keep this book as an “heirloom” for their own kids, they might relate to the emotions felt by the author when they too become parents Inshallah)
  • Throughout the letter, there is reaffirmation for the child that they are special and loved – “That there’s only one wonderful brilliant extraordinary you.” This is great for school going kids who can sometimes have doubts about themselves or feel lonely.
  • The author makes dua that the child travels far and wide and goes on adventures, but also remembers that parents are rooting for you.
  • “May Allah give you all that is good in this world and the one that is next”. The author makes duas for both this world and the akhirah! 
  • The duas are about the child being brave, having courage and curiosity, having a strong faith especially during a hard time, becoming a giver, being generous and doing good deeds, having good friends and is among the ummah.
  • Another theme that’s seen is that dua was made for the child to be born – by the mom and even ancestors. 

Things that could be improved: none

Additional Activities: 

  • The activity would actually be for the parents – write your own letter inspired by this one for your kids!
  • Kids can also write their own letters to grandparents, uncle/aunt, and even stuffed animals!

Pinterest Board: click here


I can totally imagine this book being in the form of a letter that the kids keep safely in a memory box, and look at it from time to time to remember the dua and love their mom has for them. But it’s more durable with pretty illustrations! 

This is a good book for school-aged children. You may need to further explain many phrases to younger children. For example after I read aloud that “may your roots go strong” to a 4yr old, it was responded with “I’m not a plant! I don’t have roots!” It was a good opportunity to discuss this and now my kid knows what it means to have roots!

If you’re looking for a prayer bedtime story, this is it!

*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

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